We provide spiritually based nursing care that is in accordance with the Manual of the Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy:
Article VIII, Guidance of Members. Christian Science Nurse. Sect 31. A member of The Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick. The cards of such persons may be inserted in The Christian Science Journal under rules established by the publishers.
Christian Science Nursing Care
For those needing the nursing skills, judgment, and spiritual readiness of a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse. Christian Science Nursing Care is covered by Medicare for those eligible; it is also covered by some private insurance companies.
Christian Science Care
For those needing lighter nursing care that can be given by a student Christian Science nurse. Medicare does not cover this type of care; very few insurance companies will pay for this category.
Scope of Service and Admission Agreement
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