Current 2025 Openings
Christian Science Nurses
Join our Lynn House team! We’re looking for Journal-listed Christian Science Nurses, Mentors, Supervisors, and all levels of Christian Science Nurses. If you have ever been trained or Journal-listed as a Christian Science nurse and would like to explore renewing your practice or continuing your ministry in a new setting, we would like to hear from you. We offer skills refreshment and assistance in working toward listing in The Christian Science Journal.
We also periodically offer an Introduction to Christian Science Nursing class for individuals who are considering joining this ministry.
Director of Visiting Christian Science Nursing
Our Director of Visiting Christian Science Nursing oversees our Visiting Service and helps respond to calls for Christian Science nursing care at home. It is a key position at Lynn House, and we are looking for a Christian Science Journal-listed nurse with the highest standards and a heart full of love, joy, and expectancy of healing in supporting our Christian Science community.
Please click here for the job description. For additional information, please reach out to Susan Orttung, Executive Director.
Christian Science Residential Assistants
Our residential assistants support our residential community; they help to create a loving and joyful home that is supportive of continued spiritual growth. Part-time and full-time opportunities for day or evening shifts (4-8 hours each) are available. Christian Science nursing experience is preferred, but not required, as we will train the right individual.
Please click here for the job description.
Director of Outreach and Development
This individual helps to strengthen the connection between Lynn House and our field, nurturing a better understanding of Christian Science nursing. This individual will enjoy developing relationships with those in our community and with foundations and other organizations that value Christian Science nursing.
Please click here for the job description.
As a key member of our administrative team, our Bookkeeper helps to keep Lynn House running smoothly by ensuring that our accounts are in good order.
Please click here for the job description.
Please download and complete the documents which correspond with the position desired.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NURSING employment at Lynn House:
When applying for a position in the Christian Science Nursing department, please complete one of the following:
Application for Individuals interested in Introduction to Christian Science Nursing
Application for Christian Science Nurses
Application for Employment as a Christian Science Nurse on a Temporary Basis
To apply for a position as a Residential Assistant, please complete the Application for Christian Science Nurses:
Application for Christian Science Nurses
GENERAL (non-CS nursing) employment at Lynn House:
Application for Employment
Application for CS Admin Positions